

Who we are...

Saca la Lengua a la ALS is a non-profit association that fights against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

On May 2, 2019, our project began with the publication of a video on YouTube encouraging everyone to share and participate in it.

"Hello, I am 39 years old. I am a Physical Education teacher and I have a degree in Sports Sciences. My whole life has been focused on activity. Physics. In 2002, I learned about TRIATHLON and other endurance events. From then until 2018 I was enjoying each and every one of They. It was at that moment that I felt that something was not right. From that day on I have no choice but to stick my tongue out at ALS

Our objectives are:

  • Promote Research to find the cure for the disease.
  • Improve the Quality of Life of all the sick.

What do we do...



We organize sports projects and challenges to raise funds and give visibility to ALS.



We sell t-shirts, sweatshirts and merch to raise funds.



We organize talks, presentations, meetings, workshops, etc. to créate sensitivity and giving visibility to ALS.

Patients, Relatives and Friends

We are a team of volunteers committed to ALS.

Friendly Associations from other places with whom we share the same cause and the same Objectives.

The 100% of the funds that we raise we donate them for Research Projects and to help The sick and families who need it most.

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292,370 €

in Research

123,292 €

in Physiotherapy and Care

32,764 €

in Technical Aids



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En el campus @CBNovaschool todos apoyamos a @sacalenguaELA. Lo más importante es que ayudemos día a día a promover esta iniciativa única. #SacaLaLenguaALaEla

Felipe Reyes

Jugador de Baloncesto

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